
Property Insights & Reviews : Neo Damansara

Neo Damansara

1 for Sale

1 for Rent


Neo Damansara is a mixed commercial and residential development located near the entrance of Damansara Perdana. Developed by Paradigma Intan, a member of EMKAY Group, this leasehold property has proven to be a competiton to other high-rise developments in the Damansara Perdana vicinity.The ground floor units of Neo Damansara are allocated for shop and retail, while the others are suitable for office purpose. It is the latest addition in the enclave that comprised of shop offices, office tower and suites, show room or trade space, entertainment center, food and beverage outlets and a retail plaza. Skyrocketing above the commercial units are the residential living space, ranging from studio units to two bedroom units. In total, the whole development consisted of 6 blocks of residential units and an office tower.Neo Damansara is a hot property to have in terms of studio apartment properties in Damansara Perdana. The highlight of this property is definitely the parking bay offered by the management, that is absent in other rivalling properties in the area. There is also the added advantage of having swimming pools, gymnasium, sauna and surau. Avid readers will certainly enjoy utilizing the reading room thoughtfully provided by the developer. These facilities are located on the sixth floor of this development.Neo Damansara Phase 1 is comprised of 14 units of en-bloc shop-offices and 70 units of strata shop offices, with an estimated GDV of RM100 million and was completed in October 2009. After the success of Phase 1, which claimed to be sold out within a week, the developer launched the additional Block E, which comprises one 12-storey building with 84 units of strata titled shop offices, penthouse suites, office suites and retail shops; with an estimated GDV of RM36 million. Neo Damansara is cocooned in between hypermarket, luxury car show rooms, lifestyle restaurants and retail outlets. Located within close proximity to PJ Trade Centre, the residents working in the building can simply walk to their office instead of driving their cars. Likewise, shopping malls that include IKANO, IKEA, e-Curve, The Curve, Tesco are also within walking distance. These malls offer a variety of eateries, coffee shops and entertainment activities, fit for all ages and classes.In terms of accessibility, Neo Damansara can be easily accessible by a network of highways. The fastest route to the city center would definitely be Penchala Link which is accessible within 2 minutes of driving and directs to Mont Kiara and Jalan Duta. From Penchala Link, there will be adjacent access to DUKE Highway that promises to reach Ampang in 20 minutes. Besides that, you can make use of the Damansara Puchong Highway (LDP) to reach Kepong, Kelana Jaya, Sunway, Subang Jaya and Puchong.

Property Details

  • Name: Neo Damansara
  • Address: Jalan PJU 8/1, Damansara Perdana, 47410 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
  • Developer: Padigma Intan (a subsidiary of EMKAY Group)
  • Completion Date: Late 2012
  • Type: Shop Office & Apartment
  • Tenure: Leasehold
  • No. of Block: 6
  • No. of Storey: 6 - 14
  • No. of Units: 168
  • Land Area: 7.64 acres
  • Built up: 421 sf – 876 sf
  • Maintenance fee: RM0.35 psf
  • Studio Apartment: RM0.35
  • Launch Price
  • Studio: RM390,000
  • Shop Office: RM1.2 million
  • Subsale Price:
  • Rental:
  • Layouts

  • Type 1 (studio) (421 sf)
  • Type 2 (studio) (470 sf)
  • Facilities

  • Children's playroom
  • Sauna
  • Multi-purpose hall
  • Swimming pool
  • Children's pool
  • Reflective pool
  • Surau (male & female)
  • Gymnasium
  • Reading room
  • Market Trends

    Latest transaction in Neo Damansara, Damansara Perdana

    SPA Date Address Size Price
    18/11/2017 CX-X-X, JALAN PJU X/X 421 ft2 330000
    16/10/2017 CX-X-XA, JALAN PJU X/X 421 ft2 330000
    18/08/2017 CX-X-X, JALAN PJU X/X 421 ft2 330000
    04/08/2017 CX-X-X, JALAN PJU X/X 421 ft2 390000
    19/06/2017 CX-X-XA, JALAN PJU X/X 421 ft2 310000


    It is claimed that the 1st phase of Neo Damansara is sold out within a week after it was launched. Nonetheless, this commercial centre will be in demand by huge crowd from Damansara Perdana residents itself, and also workers from the PJ Trade Centre. It is strategically located at the entrance of Damansara Perdana enclave, but there are too many commercial centres in the area. People from surrounding areas have plenty of other alternatives such as shopping centres in Mutiara Damansara, 1-Utama and Tropicana Mall. Neo Damansara is surrounded by established townships and plenty of amenities. It is just few kilometers away from Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI) and Mutiara Damansara. Besides that, it is also neighboring Bandar Utama and Kota Damansara. In the Damansara Perdana itself, there are Citibank, Bank of Scotia and Hong Leong Bank as for banks; Deutches Gasthaus and Friendster Cafe as for bar and cafe; and numerous restaurants can be found.The convenience Neo Damansara has to offer makes the property a hotspot for young executives living in the area. They can fully appreciate the wide selection of bars, bistros and restaurants. If the local scene does not meet their fancy, a short drive can take them to Mon’t Kiara, Damansara Uptown and Sea Park for a wider choice of food havens and entertainment.
    Neo Damansara是一个商业和住宅融为一体的综合发展计划,其位置坐落在Damansara Perdana头部的进口处,是由发展商EMKAY Group子公司Paradigma Intan负责开发。虽然周遭被很多高楼公寓所包围,但此项租赁地契的产业计划依然保有其独特竞争力。Neo Damansara的地面楼层保留为零售商店,其他楼层适合充作写字楼。它也是这一区最新的综合发展计划,集合了商店楼、办公楼、套房公寓、示范单位、娱乐中心、零售商场和美食中心。商业区以上的空间划分为住宅单位,公寓户型包括了1房Studio至2房单位,总的来说,这里的6栋大楼,概括了住宅和商业单位。在Damansara Perdana区,Neo Damansara的Studio公寓最为抢手,比较其他公寓住宅区严重不足的停车位,这里情况则好得多。其他设施包括泳池、健身室、桑拿浴室和祈祷室。贴心的发展商还提供了阅读时,喜爱阅读的住户可到6楼享用此设施。第一期计划涵盖14个全栋的店铺办公楼及70个分层店铺办公楼,发展值大约是RM100 million,并于2009年10月建竣,据称所有单位在一个星期内售罄。发展商较后推出额外的E座,即12楼高的84个店铺办公楼、阁楼公寓、零售商店,发展总值是RM36 million。住在这里,最不乏的是时尚餐厅、霸级市场、零售商店和豪华车示范单位,而且靠近 PJ Trade Centre,如果在那里工作,只需步行即可抵达。邻近的购物商场包括 IKANO、 IKEA、e-Curve、The Curve以及Tesco。这些商场提供适合不同年龄层的多元活动以及美食。这里的交通网络发达,前往首都市中心最快的高速公路非本查拉大道(Penchala Link)莫属,只需2分钟车程即可到达Mont Kiara和Jalan Duta,同时可通往大使路–淡江大道(DUKE Highway),20分钟即抵达安邦(Ampang),此外,使用白蒲大道 (LDP)则可通往甲洞(Kepong)、Kelana Jaya、Sunway、Subang Jaya和 Puchong。


  • 名称: Neo Damansara
  • 地址: Jalan PJU 8/1, Damansara Perdana, 47410 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
  • 发展商: Padigma Intan (EMKAY Group子公司)
  • 竣工日期: 2012年底
  • 类型: 店铺办公楼、公寓
  • 产权:租赁地契
  • 建筑物:6栋
  • 楼层: 6 – 14层
  • 单位数目: 168
  • 土地面积: 7.64 acres
  • 实用面积: 421 sf – 876 sf
  • 管理费: RM0.35 psf
  • 推售价
  • Studio公寓: RM390,000
  • Shop Office: RM1.2 million
  • 转售价: RM249,000 - RM800,000
  • 租金: RM950 - RM3,000
  • 公寓户型

  • Type 1 (studio) (421 sf)
  • Type 2 (studio) (470 sf)
  • 设施

  • 儿童游乐场
  • 桑拿浴室
  • 多元礼堂
  • 泳池
  • 儿童泳池
  • 镜池
  • 男女祈祷室
  • 健身室
  • 阅读室
  • Market Trends

    Latest transaction in Neo Damansara, Damansara Perdana

    SPA Date Address Size Price
    18/11/2017 CX-X-X, JALAN PJU X/X 421 ft2 330000
    16/10/2017 CX-X-XA, JALAN PJU X/X 421 ft2 330000
    18/08/2017 CX-X-X, JALAN PJU X/X 421 ft2 330000
    04/08/2017 CX-X-X, JALAN PJU X/X 421 ft2 390000
    19/06/2017 CX-X-XA, JALAN PJU X/X 421 ft2 310000


    据了解,Neo Damansara第一期计划,在短短一周被抢购一空,由於这里是人口密集的住宅区,单单是这里的住户已经可以满足区内的商业需求,而邻近还有PJ Trade Centre人流可带旺这一区。Neo Damansara胜在地理位置优越,位于进入Damansara Perdana一带的入口处,而且被许多商业中心所包围,所以住在这里的人们拥有许多选择,譬如,要购物的话可前往Mutiara Damansara、 1-Utama或Tropicana Mall。其邻近的都是发展成熟的城镇,生活机能良好,譬如数里之遥的Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI)和 Mutiara Damansara,其余包括Bandar Utama和Kota Damansara。在Damansara Perdana区内就有不少外资和本地银行,例如Citibank、Bank of Scotia和丰隆银行,在这里用餐十分方便,有无数餐厅可选择,还有著名的德国酒馆Deutches Gasthaus以及Friendster Café。由於社区设施充足,成为了不少年轻执行员来这里置业的热点,如果他们要找其他的餐厅或蒲点,只需驾驶一段路程,即可抵达Mon’t Kiara、Damansara Uptown或Sea Park。


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    1 Property

    Damansara Perdana

    Damansara Perdana

    Fully Furnished Studio F/H
    421 sq ft
    1 STU 1
    Studio | Intermediate