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By Vigneswar RajasurianWainscoting may sound peculiar but merely refers to panelling, typically made of wood, that lines the interior walls of a home. Homeowners seeking to add a touch of luxury and elegance to a living space increasingly turn to wainscoting as opposed to mere wallpaper or painted...

A global effort to increase home ownershipBy Vigneswar Rajasurian arguments for owning real estate assets are well established. As time passed and property prices soured, the counter-arguments for renting became more compelling to a generation who found themselves priced...

By Vigneswar RajasurianTen winners were chosen among hundreds of entries for the StarProperty Bazaar At Home Contest held in May 2020.Contestants were required to make any one of the Ramadan desserts listed in the article titled ‘A New Contest With Five Ramadan Dessert Recipes’.The...

By Vigneswar RajasurianAs a newbie to all things real estate, the task of furnishing a room to be rented out left me with plenty of questions. What items are essential for furnishing such a room? Does quality matter?Perhaps the most glaring question of all, how much would it cost? Having only...

By Vigneswar RajasurianAn edible garden is just as the term suggests, a garden with consumable herbs, vegetables, flowers or seeds.When it comes to starting an edible garden, size does not matter and one can get started with minimal costs and effort. For those living in high-rise buildings and lack...

By Vigneswar RajasurianThe government recently introduced several incentives under the National Economic Recovery Plan (Penjana) and the revived Home Ownership Campaign (HOC2) to spur the local property market. The measures coupled with dipping prices in the property market and low lending rates...

Location is key to negate challenges of resellingBy Vigneswar Rajasurian aerial view of Putrajaya.In the 1970s, Malaysia’s New Economic Policy (NEP) introduced the Bumi quota regulations for property development in efforts to increase Bumiputera involvement in the real...

By Vigneswar RajasurianPeople are increasingly switching to a lifestyle of planting their own herbs and vegetables in their gardens to become more self-sufficient and promote environmental-conscious habits.Growing your own herbs and vegetables also provides better food security during a...

By Vigneswar RajasurianMost people are aware that effective branding can promote recognition for businesses, products and even events. If a brand is consistent and easy to recognise, it can help people feel more at ease doing business with such reputable companies or purchasing their products.It is...

By Vigneswar RajasurianEver since the movement control order (MCO) was implemented on March 18, people have been desperately finding ways to keep themselves entertained without leaving the safe confines of home.Even as the more relaxed conditional MCO (CMCO) is introduced, the threat of the...

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