Shah Alam has much to offer

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PKNS collaborated with to put together an exciting event for the public.

The public gathering around the various booths showcasing the real estate collection of PKNS.

The public gathering around the various booths showcasing the real estate collection of PKNS.

SINCE its inception in 1964, the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) has built more than 150,000 houses. Their current focus is on the construction of Rumah Selangorku units, particularly for the lower- and middle-income earners.

The move to build more affordable homes is in line with the state government’s intention of building 20,000 units of Rumah Selangorku within three years.

PKNS recently hosted a 2016 real estate collection, which took place at the PKNS complex from Oct 17 to 23. There were 17 of their choice developments, both residential and commercial, valued at more than RM400mil on display.

Some of the residential products which were open for the public to view and own included Opal Residensi and Aquavilla, Seksyen 7, Shah Alam; Anggun 2 and Hijauan Enklaf, Setia Alam; Cassia and Azhara, Antara Gapi; Citrina 3 and Dillenia, Bernam Jaya; Puteri Daffina 2, Kota Puteri; as well as Vega Residensi in Selangor Cyber Valley.

As for the commercial units, there were I-Zone at Bandar Sultan Suleiman, I-Zone Zurah at Rasa and Perdana Avenue at Kuang, to name a few.

“There were incentives and special rebates available for visitors and potential customers at the exhibition. In addition, we also organised a property forum in conjunction with to cater to some of the popular topics related to real estate.

“Titled ‘Shah Alam transformation: A journey through time’, the talk featured three renowned experts in their respective fields. The combined effort created the right platform to attract more homebuyers, by bringing together quality products and an informative forum,” said PKNS general manager Hajjah Noraida Hj Mohd Yusof.

Ho Chin Soon Research chief executive officer Ishmael Ho was the first to speak, on the titular subject of the forum. Infrastructure development is the key to determining good property locations for own stays or investments.

Here is where Shah Alam will be benefitting from upcoming mega-infrastructures such as the MRT Line 2, LRT Line 3 and High Speed Rail.

This goes towards proving that the popularity of Shah Alam is on the rise. According to data from the Department of Statistics Malaysia, it showed that population growth rates have slowed down as we progress towards being a developed nation.

However, there are eight districts in peninsular Malaysia that had a growth rate of more than 3%, and one of it was Petaling with 4.09%, which is where the city of Shah Alam is located.

The next speaker was MINGS (Malaysian Institute of Geomancy Sciences) vice president Stephen Chin with his talk titled ‘How geomancy is practised by different cultures in Malaysia’. He outlined how geomancy is a cultural practice that developed since ancient times, and there is a common thread between the traditions of each culture, allowing geomancy to be applied in the modern world.

Whether based on feng shui (Chinese), Vastu Shastra (Indians) or Tajul Mukluk (Malays), each one is influenced by beliefs and superstitions. But what they have in common, is that they all teach one what to do or not to do with the house, in order to maximise good luck upon the occupants.

GM Training Academy PLT chief executive officer and founder Miichael Yeoh presented on ‘Managing your mortgage effectively and borrow smartly’. He addressed the current issue of getting the bank’s approval for a house loan, which is getting harder by the day. According to Bank Negara Malaysia, there was only a 47% loan approval rate in 2015.

He also shared with the attendees a step-by-step approach in planning and preparing, so that their financial documents will be in order. Banks check on a few main aspects of an individual before approval: personal credit reports (through CTOS and CCRIS) as well as the Debt Service Ratio (DSR).

To be an effective borrower, one also needs to keep a few things in mind, namely making sure to get an experienced banker; ensuring that the right financial documents are prepared before submission, as different banks require different paperwork; read through the documents before signing; and going loan shopping for the best deal in the market.

“Shah Alam is increasingly drawing people to choose the city as their next home, as there are plenty of amenities within close proximity and infrastructure development taking place in strategic locations. It also helps that the property value in Shah Alam appreciates approximately 20% to 30% per annum,” said Noraida.
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The article is first published in pullout on Nov 2. Download e-Mag( to read more.

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