Security Review: Petaling Jaya area Part I

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Contributed by Crime Safety Specialist Shamir Rajadurai

Safety is one of the critical points that the public are looking out for when choosing a neighbourhood to live in.

As someone who passionately believes in a simple and effective crime prevention methods to help reduce the risk of crime, Shamir Rajadurai shares with us a security review of areas in Petaling Jaya, and what are the cautionary steps that could be taken by the community.

 The observed areas in Petaling Jaya: 









 The top three crime in the area

1. Mugging / Samun:

Because Mugging is one of the top crime in this area is it advised that while visiting your potential home please try to look out for the following features within the area:

  • Adequate lighting
  • Proper walkway
  • Walkway has fencing/ shrubs/bollards
  • If the area is not gated and guarded try to check if there is an active Neighbourhood Watch
  • Non-residents have to register before entering (If the area is Gated and Guarded)
  • Emergency button at the car park

2. Burglary

Because Burglary is one of the top crime in this area is it advised that while visiting your potential home please try to look out for the following features within the area:

  • If the area is not gated and guarded try to check if there is an active Neighbourhood Watch
  • Proper guards and guardhouse
  • Adequate lighting
  • Alarm system connected to guard house (For Gated and Guarded/ Apartments/ Condo)
  • Active security patrol
  • Non Residents to register before entering
  • Extra locks for your house (* tips)

3. Motorcycle theft

Because Motorcycle Theft is one of the top crime in this area is it advised that while visiting your potential home please try to look out for the following features within the area:

  • Designated motorcycle parking area
  • Able to Chain/ Lock your motorcycle
  • CCTV at the parking area
  • Active security guard
  • Visitors parking is separate from residents
  • Adequate lighting at the parking area

About the Contributors

Shamir Rajadurai

Shamir Rajadurai

Shamir Rajadurai is a Certified CPTED Practitioner from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and has a Masters of Criminal Justice from University Malaya (UM). He is a crime safety specialist that focuses on simple and effective crime prevention methods to help reduce the risk by assessing the Reality of crime. Visit Prevent Crime Now for any queries.

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