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As we welcome the start of Q2 for the year, many economic analysts and property experts would have already realised that their predictions on both the financial and real estate markets respectively, made since the onset of the new year, have changed.

The Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) expressed its concerns over the plight of an estimated 25,000 real estate agents (REAs) and real estate negotiators (RENs).The movement control order (MCO) has brought the real estate fraternity to a standstill.Property agents and negotiators are...

By are aware that the baking soda acts as a leavening agent for bread. But despite its mainstay purpose, this white powder can also be used for cleaning purposes. In fact, the ability of baking soda to clean almost every form of stain makes it a form of universal...

By Viktor Chong long shadow of Covid-19 has spread across the entire globe, bringing about a temporary recession on an international level. As it continues to hopscotch about continents unchecked, local industries are feeling the pinch on both the macro and micro...

The Ministry of Housing and Local Government, abbreviated as KPKT, recently issued a circular to provide clarity to joint management bodies (JMBs) and Management Corporations (MCs) as to the operations within a stratified development during the movement control order (MCO).

With the Movement Control Order (MCO) in place to curb the spread of Covid-19, life seems to have shrunk to the four walls of one’s home. The MCO has thrown a wrench into the gears of our lifestyle. For many Malaysians, this is a trying time indeed. On the flip side, a number will have to...

Malaysian house prices have been in a continuous upward trend since 1990, and the rise of house prices can be distinguished into three distinct periods based on the magnitude and drivers that caused the impact.

“As a responsible corporate citizen, Mah Sing will continue to work hand-in-hand with the government and other relevant bodies to weather through this storm together,” Leong said.KUALA LUMPUR: Mah Sing Group Bhd, together with its corporate responsibility arm Mah Sing Foundation (MSF), is...

StarProperty Awards is poised to have a more comprehensive judging criteriaSeated, from left: Institution of Engineers Malaysia honorary secretary Mohd Khir Muhammad, Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia past president Datuk Lau Wai Seang, PEPS president Michael KK Kong and Malaysian Institute...

A different perspective needs to be taken to turn the negatives into positivesBy Joseph Wong is always opportunities in threats and developers need to find their niche.The Malaysian property industry has, of late, been smacked left, right and centre. Already in the...