Three new categories introduced

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Additions are to align to elevating industry benchmarks

StarProperty unveiled a set of modifications to the StarProperty Awards 2023 Realtor Edition (SREA) aimed at raising industry standards to match the dynamic nature of the real estate sector. 

In line with StarProperty's commitment to elevating industry benchmarks, this year marked the introduction of three new awards, namely the Chief Executive Of The Year Award, the StarProperty Millionaire Masters Award and the Real Estate Negotiator Of The Year Award, which has three sub-categories for Residential, Commercial and Industrial properties. This introduction is timely, considering the substantial changes the industry has undergone since the pre-Covid pandemic days.

This year represents a significant milestone for the StarProperty Awards, marking the largest number of category and sub-category winners since its inception in 2017. In fact, the number of trophies has more than doubled from 2022 and is 13 more than last year's count. This substantial increase underscores the ambitious efforts of this year's StarProperty Awards, indicating the institution's commitment to finding more ways to reward and recognise outstanding agencies, agents and negotiators, thereby enhancing the prestige of the annual ceremony. The addition of new categories reflects StarProperty's proactive approach to addressing the evolving landscape of the Real Estate industry.

StarProperty Awards’ reputation

Undoubtedly, Malaysia boasts numerous real estate awards and choosing which ones to enter can pose a challenge. However, it is crucial to carefully consider the time and effort required against the potential gains, particularly when dealing with esteemed institutions like StarProperty, known for its solid track record.

Given the often stretched resources, especially in recent times, participating in a prestigious award like StarProperty can prompt Real Estate Negotiators (RENs), Real Estate Agencies (REAs) and Probationary Estate Agents (PEAs) to reassess their operations, providing an opportunity for self-evaluation and comparison with competitors.

To stand out in a competitive field, real estate stakeholders must embody qualities such as innovation, diversity, strategic thinking and dynamism. Engaging in such awards encourages RENs, REAs and PEAs to introspect and strive for self-improvement, which can be more valuable than the trophy itself.

StarProperty Awards, in its continuous pursuit of improvement and relevance to the industry, fortifies its commitment. A victory not only bestows a seal of approval on the respective negotiator or agent but also signifies quality for potential homebuyers, sellers and investors. Additionally, it aids in cultivating relationships with suppliers and financial institutions. Moreover, it serves as an effective means of differentiation from competitors, sending positive signals to homebuyers and investors alike.

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