Yong Kyzen from Tenby International School won first place for Category A (9-10 years) with Josiah Lee Zi Yoong from SJKC Puay Chai 2 finishing in second and Kate Cheah from Eaton International School won third.
KUALA LUMPUR: Sunway Velocity Mall recently organised its very first spelling bee competition - “Bee the Next Sunway Velocity Mall Spelling Champion” challenge. Held near the popular V Boulevard atrium on Level 1, this two-day competition was open to kids aged 9-12 years old with a total of 80 students participated.
The competition required students to take turns spelling a word on stage in 15 seconds or less. Participants were divided into those aged 9-10 and 11-12 years with the preliminary rounds taking place on Saturday while the top 40 spellers slugged it out in the finals on Sunday. The participants were comprised of international school students.
In accordance to the British English spelling, three winners in each category emerged after almost four hours of competing with 1,000 words being spelt.
Yong Kyzen from Tenby International School won first place for Category A (9-10 years) with Josiah Lee Zi Yoong from SJKC Puay Chai 2 finishing in second and Kate Cheah from Eaton International School won third.

The Top 3 winners were each rewarded with RM1,500 in cash + RM500 worth of shopping vouchers, RM1,000 in cash + RM300 worth of shopping vouchers and RM500 in cash + RM200 worth of shopping vouchers respectively.
Meanwhile in Category B (11-12 years), Lisa Ngu Chiew Yee, Sunway International School brought home first prize followed by Anisa Senuji Nabiha, from Baseerah International School in second and Natalee Meera Nathan, St. John’s International School, third.
The Top 3 winners were each rewarded with RM1,500 in cash + RM500 worth of shopping vouchers, RM1,000 in cash + RM300 worth of shopping vouchers and RM500 in cash + RM200 worth of shopping vouchers respectively.
Adding a further touch of gloss and prestige to Sunway Velocity Mall's inaugural spelling bee competition were distinguished guest judges Gary True from the Mutiara International Grammar School, Helen Cotterill from British Council Malaysia, Willard Ore from the Kingsgate International School, and Raquel Tellez Mamaril, RN from Fairview International School.
With the contestants displaying an impressive level of competitiveness and spelling ability and also not forgetting the positive feedback and comments from kids and parents alike, the event proved to be a successful initiative in our long-term goal to further “E.L.E.V.A.T.E” the lifestyles of Sunway Velocity Mall's loyal shoppers and local communities through these kinds of experiential and interactive activities.