Maximising property investment return Part II

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Contributed by Prof Joe Choo (Feng Shui Consultant, Public Speaker, Trainer & Author)

Read More on Part I: Maximising property investment return

looking for property

T-Junction Meeting Point

There was a common belief back then that ghosts like to congregate at road junctions. During the Hungry Ghosts festival, you will find many offerings placed at road junctions to appease these spirits.

Now, who wants wayward or homeless spirits lurking about their homes or business? Perhaps the Chinese preoccupation with food spills over to the spirit world. These people might be thinking that if there are food and drink to be offered, these spirits can become happy and will not bother anyone.

It is a terrible misunderstanding, and superstitious. It is all about the momentum of vehicles. A vehicle will stop at the T-junction before turning left or right, but the energy of the car moves forward then bounces back when it hits a property that is facing the junction.

Imagine that same busy spot that sees hundreds of cars every day, after a while. This unseen momentum forms a pool of its magnetic field at the area that disturbs the surrounding by giving an uncertain direction reading, and it also affects the properties around it.

What is so awful about the property in these locations? Imagine a development in front of T-junction is being hit by the momentum of the vehicle at 100 times a day or even more, you might not feel the instability of energy in the centre of the property. But if you have touched the wall, you could feel the vibration, which shows that the magnetic field in the house is not stable.

When the energy is not stable, people get agitated easily; causing sickness, encouraging quarrels among inhabitants, and many more.

There is a small compass in every human, and this compass is being affected by the magnetic field around us. If we are living in a property with a stable magnetic field, we feel good and sleep well. Once we feel good and sleep well, we can attract positive events to take place.

As simple as when you walk into an F&B outlet, the staff greet you with sour faces because they just finished a heated argument. The ambience is tense and uneasy, and this pushes you to leave the place. If this happened regularly, then the business will drop.

When it drops, tenants can’t afford to pay rent. Then another tenant comes, the same thing will happen, forcing them to leave; it keeps repeating until the owner of such property gets frustrated.

Therefore it is not advisable to stay or run businesses in properties around T-junction.

Right Business Right Orientation

In Feng Shui, we always talk about the five elements namely wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Each of them is related to directions, internal organs, emotions, colour scheme, industries, weather and many more. We can apply this to commercial property.

It is a common sense for business owners to choose shops that are facing the main road for the visibility to have a good revenue.

But you may be surprised that not all the shops are doing well. It may be due to weak business operations or also may be because it is not in the right direction for that type of industry or business.

Wood related industries are the property developer, media, event management, education, health care, fashion, children associated businesses, florist, massage centre and others; these businesses are ideal for occupying a property that faces north or east.

Fire-related industries are oil and gas, chemical-based, arms and ammunition, IT, F&B, electrical, electronic, digital, telco and others; these businesses are ideal for occupying a property that is facing east, southeast and south.

Earth related industries are property management, retail management, minerals, agriculture, land surveyor and others; these industries are ideal for occupying a property that is facing south, southwest and northeast.

Metal-related industries are legal, oil and gas, minerals, road transportation, air transportation, aviation, tourism and others; these businesses are ideal for occupying a property that is facing southwest, west, northwest and northeast.

Water-related industries are banking, insurance, share trading, goods trading, shipping, night entertainment, F&B, spa and others; these businesses are ideal for occupying a property that is facing west, northwest and north.

Architecture and Feng Shui are intimately connected as they both deal with living spaces. Their goals are similar: to create a conducive and harmonious living space, be it for dwelling or as a business premise.

The best architectural work, in my opinion, learns from nature, adapts to it and blends with it. You can see that these buildings are usually very aesthetically pleasing as well.

A building’s orientation is an essential factor in determining its long-term prosperity and success. Sometimes, unfavourable elements can be mitigated by performing certain renovations. I am generally not keen on mitigation exercises, as these are compromises.

Mitigation exercise is generally intended to reduce negative energies to attain a mediocre result, rather than to accentuate positive energies and achieving fantastic results.

Furthermore, a less-than-favourable building does not mean it is bound to fail, or that the occupants will not thrive or prosper. Feng Shui is not black magic. What it could mean is that success or the wealth will last for only one generation and not extend beyond.

We can read many of these stories where his children squander a tycoon's fortune, or the business is poorly managed until the wealth is depleted. Numerous lessons can be learned from the wealthy.

They started from humble beginnings, living in a single- or double-storey house. After attaining their wealth, they moved to a hilltop bungalow, lose their wealth and fail in their business.

Nonetheless, we are realistic enough to concede that a building is costly to construct.

We cannot just decide to demolish and rebuild, although that would be my preference. A better approach, I believe, would be to incorporate the principles of geomancy into the architecture and design of a building before clearing even a single tree.

There is still a lack of understanding in geomancy as a practice. It is considered superstitious hocus-pocus by people who do not even bother to conduct research. The evidence is there for all to see.

Professor Joe Choo

Professor Joe Choo

About the contributor

Prof Joe Choo is a Feng Shui Consultant, Public Speaker, Trainer & Author. She is currently the president of Malaysian Institute of Geomancy Science (MINGS).


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