By Ernest Towle
In these hectic times, it is difficult to determine who is coming or going. Work, personal commitments, endless to do lists and life in general take up most, if not all, of our waking hours.
Weekends, when they finally arrive, are fleeting and more often than not packed with events and social activities.
Time is indeed fleeting. Like grains of sand in an hourglass, time passes without waiting for man or woman.
Knowing this is important not only because it concerns the finiteness of life but also that it serves as a reminder to all that none will be spared the moving hands of time.
Wishing for more time or for the wheels of time to turn backwards is not only tragic but impossible. Once spent, time never re-emerges. So seize the moment, and make the best of it.
Take your time to build trust, grow relationships, enhance friendships and add value to your live and the lives of others. Not only will this be a life worth living but also a life that mat-
Likewise, wealth does not suddenly materialise. The passive wealth of tomorrow comes from the conscious sacrifice of today.
To build an empire tomorrow, you need start with a simple investment today and then follow-up consistently. Scarce resources exact better yield over the long term when they become scarcer – like great addresses in a mature community.
For this Chinese New Year, putting everything else on hold (including the cell phone) and spending the reunion dinner fully engaged in every conversation around the table will only strengthen and empower family relationships, and therefore enable the Year of the Dog to bark more enthusiastically for everyone.
Happy Chinese New Year!