Keeping it safe while using condominium facilities

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By Harpreet Gill

Window grid of modern condominium building with white cloud blue


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a change in the way we live. Even though the number of positive Covid-19 cases have shrunk, a new norm has emerged with the daily practice of social distancing especially in condominiums.

The government's easing of the movement control order (MCO) to one of recovery does not mean that we will revert to our old ways. There are now many standard operating procedures (SOPs) put into place to ensure public safety, especially in crowded areas.

Certainly, if you are living in a condominium and you can now use its facilities, but to protect yourself while using them, here are some ways to keep you safe.


Avoid crowded lifts

Even if you are in a hurry, avoid crowded elevators. People living in high-rise condominiums or serviced apartments need to reduce their risk when using the lift. Most management of high-rise abodes have an SOP of reducing the number of passengers in elevators to four people.

So if you have a big family, take turns going up or down the elevators and keep to the limitation of four persons. Apart from wearing a mask, stand at one of the corners of the lift to maximise the distance from the other passengers. Sanitising your hands before and after entering an elevator should also be practised.

Details of modern building exterior - patio in high-rise buildin

Play safe in pools

Although the public is now allowed to swim in communal swimming pools, swimmers are advised to wash themselves before entering the pool. A social distancing of two metres is recommended. 

Swimming pools are generally treated with chlorine to kill germs, but it is best to avoid swallowing pool water. Use the shower facilities to wash yourself when you have left the swimming pool. Do not swim if you are unwell or recently exposed to the virus.

Asian kid playing slide at the playground under the sunlight in

Educate your children

Planning to bring your children to the playground? With that being said, parents have to be aware that children have a higher risk of getting infected by Covid-19. No doubt that children should get the chance to play and unwind, but it is the parents' responsibility to ensure the safety of their children. 

Provide them with face masks, educate them on the importance of maintaining a distance from other children at the playground and sanitise their hands frequently.

Prevention is better than cure. Remember, protecting yourself is also protecting your family and friends.

young asian adult dunking

Circumvent body contact

Facilities such as tennis courts and half-court basketball facilities are usually used by youths who love playing outdoor activities. Such outdoor activities require more than one player. Those people who want to release stress would make their way to these courts. 

Now that body contact is inevitable for these outdoor activities, it would be best if you can avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Wipe your sweat with a cloth after playing and immediately put it to wash. Sanitize your hand before and after using your sport equipment. Do not share sport equipment as there may be excess sweat from a previous user. The new norm is not convenient, but it can help break the deadly virus chain.

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