CELEBRATING outstanding developments across the nation is a very challenging task especially when it comes down to picking the best for The StarProperty.my Awards 2017, which received an overwhelming response from prominent and well-respected developers all over the country.
For a panel of judges made up of prolific stakeholders and leaders in the Malaysian real estate industry, it meant a tough call to decide on the outcome of the awards.
“This year's competition has been fairly extensive with a huge number of entrants and quality developments. Therefore, the judgments have been extremely close,” said Area Management Sdn Bhd executive chairman Datuk George Stewart LaBrooy.
For those seeking a head start in this competition, Labrooy advises them to be bold and innovative with their developments.
However, the greatest challenge was to choose the best of the best among the contenders, said PEPS immediate past president Datuk Siders Sittampalam.
The addition of new categories and increase in the number of participants meant that the judges had to deliberate over an impressive range of entries across all categories.
“We had a hard time due to the uniqueness and distinctiveness of each development,” said PEPS president Foo Gee Jen.
“Uniqueness, attractiveness and the safety of each development were crucial during the evaluation process,” said Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and crime safety specialist Shamir Rajadurai.
The judges selected the final winners after two rounds of deliberation based on material submission, presentation and a third party on- site inspection which evaluated the qualitative and quantitative attributes of each development.
The judging and tallying process was facilitated by a BDO Malaysia team to ensure the results from the judges were independent and fairly compiled.
StarProperty.my Awards 2017 Panel of Judges
- Malaysian Institute of Architects (MIA) President Dr Mohd Zulhemlee An
- Area Management Sdn Bhd Executive Chairman Datuk George Stewart LaBrooy
- CPTED & Crime Safety Specialist Shamir Rajadurai
- Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents, Property Consultants in the Private Sector (PEPS) PresidentFoo Gee Jen
- Malaysian Institute of Interior Designers President Ar ChrisYap Seng Chye
- Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM) President Associate Professor LAr Dr Osman Mohd Tahir
- Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents, Property Consultants in the Private Sector (PEPS) Immediate Past President Datuk Sr Siders Sittampalam
- Star Media Group Bhd Property Business Unit Assistant General Manager Ernest Towle
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