Neighbours in Bukit Kayangan get together for a lantern walk and potluck do

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A group of 65 Malaysians gathered up their brightly lit lanterns for a jaunt around Section 12 of Bukit Kayangan, Shah Alam.

The outing comprised children from the age of four to senior citizens well into their sixties, who were game for the one kilometre stroll around the Istana Bukit Kayangan.

It was held to foster closer camaraderie among neighbours.

The Section 12 residents, regardless of race, were excited to join in and parade their lanterns.

Some of the food brought by the residents for the potluck.

Some of the food brought by the residents for the potluck.

The invigorating walk ended at the house of Bukit Kayangan Residents Association president Datuk Helmi Daud, who hosted a potluck. The buffet line-up consisted of dishes prepared by fellow residents.

“Helmi’s wife cooked laksa while others baked cakes and cupcakes,” said committee member Shamini Arunasalam, 54, who brought fried chicken.

Traditional specials such as mooncakes, pomelo and even horned water chestnut were served.

Residents carrying various types of lanterns during the walk.

Residents carrying various types of lanterns during the walk.

Everyone took care to ensure the home-prepared food was halal so that all of their neighbours could enjoy the feast.

The event was mooted by Shamini and two other members of the committee.

“It was to bring the community together and to share with our neighbours of different races what the lantern festival was all about,” she said.

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