The life of a real estate negotiator during MCO 3.0

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Attending as many training sessions as possible during the MCO is a way to prepare ahead. Photo by Fizkez.

Attending as many training sessions as possible during the MCO is a way to prepare ahead. Photo by Fizkez.

Contributed by Joseph Chan

Real estate negotiators (RENs) cannot conduct physical appointments during the movement control order (MCO) as the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Miti) has not given them the approval to do so. 

Initially, this caught many in the industry unawares and many struggled to survive. When we received the news of another lockdown, we were not surprised and panicked as before because we were prepared this time. MCO 1.0 taught us what needs to be done during the restriction, and we have adapted to the changes in the market.

Online marketing and social media presence have to be intensified as most of us spend more time at home watching our phones and computers. Even though we may not be able to go out for appointments, it is very important for RENs to keep their presence active in the market as many owners and buyers are still actively looking to sell and buy.

In fact, we have seen an increase in owner’s enquiries as they are concerned about the property market situation. The lockdown is the best time to learn how to be active on social media. By learning how to create educational content related to properties and creating viral videos in Tik Tok and Reels on Instagram, RENs can increase their exposure. Now is an excellent time to increase your followers and leads. 

I instructed my team that the MCO period is all about getting themselves ready because when the lockdown is lifted, they will not have the time to learn as they will be busy with appointments. After the lockdown, there will be a surge of enquiries as many people cannot wait to shift to another property or revenge spend.

During this respite, it is good to learn how to record and edit the videos as this communication format is the new trend these days. So real estate listings have to evolve with the market trend. After MCO 1.0, we realised the importance of video marketing, and since then, we have ensured that most of our property listings are video recorded to give more clarity and convenience to our clients who are unable to view properties during the lockdown. The video listings have even helped us to close several deals virtually without physical viewings.

As everyone is at home during the lockdown, it is also the best time to reconnect with our existing clients and provide any assistance related to real estate matters to them. In fact, many are looking for suitable property opportunities as they know that the current mortgage rates are low and properties are below market value. 

This is also the time to motivate your clients so that when the restrictions are lifted, you would already have ready buyers.

RENs are used to outdoor activities and long periods of lockdowns are never easy as they could affect their self-motivation. As RENs, we are used to receiving rejections on sales, but we must remain resilient and mentally strong with the long non-communicative periods with clients.

At Kith and Kin, we encourage communicating with the team members and leaders to ensure that problems are shared and resolved together. During the MCO, RENs are advised to attend as many training sessions as possible to sharpen their skills and improve on what they could not do before. The pandemic has already shifted the market and we have to adapt to the new changes to stay relevant. Otherwise, we will be left behind.


Joseph Chan is the co-founder of real estate agency Kith and Kin Realty Sdn Bhd.

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