Voon (standing centre), IOIPG executive director Lee Yoke Har (standing fourth from right) and chief operating officer Teh Chin Guan (standing third from right) posing with the IOIPG management team and IOI Kickstart Mentees.
PUCHONG: IOI Properties Group Bhd (IOIPG) is lending a helping hand to six new startups, bringing them into their new incubation programme called IOI Kickstart. This three-year accelerator and collaboration programme is said to provide promising startups with the initial financial support and business know-how to catapult these technopreneurs onto the path of success. These include startups from the field of PropTech, AgriTech and green solutions.
With a high competition of over 40 applications, the final six that were selected are Arus Oil, FESLink, Grab Maid, LinkUp Smart Solutions, Safe-T5 and Tomorrow Data.
These startups will be given a grant of RM50,000 as working capital and free use of office spaces at IOI RIO, the next-gen smart city.
In addition to that, each startup will also get mentoring sessions from IOIPG's C-suite personnel to obtain useful insights on what appeals to customers and get priority business opportunities to jointly develop and provide products and services to complement IOIPG's projects.
IOIPG chief executive officer Datuk Voon Tin Yow mentioned that IOI Kickstart stays true to the group's vision to build sustainable communities' as it nurtures youths, renders them its resources and expertise to assist them in their businesses and brings their ideas to commercial success.
Going forward, IOIPG plans to continue with IOI Kickstart to further encourage and unearth new talents and to provide the testing bed for pioneering ideas to flourish. Such innovative ideas will provide more conveniences and lifestyle experiences to enhance the quality of life for those living and working within IOIPG communities.
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