While cautious investors rely on statistical analyses and self-assured speculators operate with instincts honed by experience, only the most well-balanced investors will incorporate geomancy, metaphysics, or some other means of divination into a multi-faceted view of the world
The average person may favour purely scientific discourse and discovery over astrological guidance – but even in this 21 st century, high-calibre individuals such as entrepreneurs, corporate managers, politicians, and members of royalty from all over the planet have looked to the realm of mysticism in search of answers to their burning questions.
Jessie Lee – a celebrity consultant, global speaker on the subject of the mystical, and the founder of the Soleil Trinity Resource consultancy firm – will be taking time off from her annual world tours to share her highly sought-after insight with property investors at the Bentley Music Academy this 12th January (in English) and 13th January (in Cantonese).
The topics to be covered include the use of Feng Shui, Bazi, and various other Chinese metaphysical systems to discern strategies of wealth management based on your individual characteristics, and to uncover the trajectory of the property industry in 2019. In addition to rare mystical insight, there will be a range of activities held on the foyer of the Bentley Music Academy during the event.
For a limited time only, the first 50 tickets purchased from StarProperty.my (for either session in English or Cantonese) will be available at a subsidised price of RM50.
Jessie Lee turned a teenage curiosity of the metaphysical into a global empire that serves spiritual guidance and ancient knowledge to corporate entities and affluent individuals around the world. As a professional instructor of Tarot card reading and various branches of Chinese metaphysics, fully trained and certified in the school of thought that is Dato’ Joey Yap’s Mastery Academy, Jessie Lee and her consultancy firm, Soleil Trinity Resource, have been consistently relied upon by celebrities, politicians, and members of royalty, as well as entrepreneurs and brand managers, to provide clarity in the chaotic modern world.