JL99 Group executive chairman Datuk Seri Jeff BK Lee (centre) celebrates his winnings with (from left) project planning and development head Michelle Yeap Sze Min, marketing head Celine Lee Kah Yann, business development head Nur Ainaa Che Abdullah and sales manager Quek Beng Kian.

Receiving the award from Yap (right) for Horizon Hills, a joint venture between Gamuda Land and UEM Sunrise, is Gamuda Land general manager Jim Woon.

Sunway City Iskandar Puteri CEO Gerard Soosay (centre) and assistant general manager Ng Chai Teck (left) hold up their trophies as Yap looks on.

Sheng Tai International president Datuk Leong Sir Ley (2nd from right) and chief financial officer Tyson See (centre) holding the trophies as (from left) Yap, Sheng Tai International assistant sales manager Roger Tai Bang Jyh and general manager Nicholas SC Leong, and Fu point to the awards.

Giving the thumbs up after YNH Property bags three trophies are (from left) Yap, YNH property contract manager How Kean Lok, assistant development manager Yu Chong Cheng, corporate strategy general manager James Ngio, marketing manager Alyz Yeap, development manager Teo Ling Piau and Fu.
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