KUALA Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) has confirmed that they did receive an application on the closure of Jalan Damanseri, Pusat Bandar Damansara from the developer that owns the land.
A DBKL spokesman further clarified that City Hall approved the applicaton on May 26 for the road closure. As such, everything was above board vis-a-vis DBKL regarding the closure of the road.
"The developer followed the required procedure prior to the road closure, which is to obtain approval from the City Hall and advertising it in local newspapers.
"The privately-owned access road will be closed for three years to facilitate the realignment of the traffic system at that area," he told StarMetro and showed a picture of the approval letter.
StarMetro reported on May 28 that residents from Damansara Heights and Federal Hill were against of the road closure, saying that it was a vital access road to their neighbourhood.
The residents also said that they were not consulted on the road closured which was implemented from May 6.