A robotics challenge for kids

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Interview with Charlie from Creative Robotics Learning centre(15/07/2016/S.S.KANESAN/The Star)

Participants will be provided with the components to build a four-wheeled robot for the sump fight challenge.

By Lee Yan Li

NOWADAYS, kids are no stranger to high-tech toys, but how about building robot toys for themselves?

In the CR8 Robotics Challenge, held by Creative Robotic Learning Center (CR8), at StarProperty.my Fair 2016 in Johor Bahru from July 22 to 24, participants from 6 to 17 years old will be able to build and programme their own basic robots within an hour and watch a duel of robots in the sumo fight challenge.

While the basic schematics will be provided by an instruction manual, the participants can demonstrate their creativity and make modifications to the robots to win the challenge.

There is still a common perception that robotics activity is a hobby predominantly reserved for those with extra cash to spend. However, it is becoming more accessible due to the availability of the Internet and online video tutorials, according to CR8 founder and director Khong Yee Jun.

“While kids can use Lego Mindstorms, a series specially designed to create robots to express their creativity, the truth is metals, plastics, cardboards, woods and recycled toys can all be used to design and build robots,” he added.

When Jun built his first robot in 2001 at the tender age of 13, there were fewer resources and learning materials. He had to buy piles of book to learn about robotics and create his own designs with little external help.

It was by no means a fancy robot. Dubbed SaRS (Search and Rescue Scorpion), the line-following robot equipped with a rescue winch and spot lights was built entirely from recycled materials such as bottles, cake boards and etc.

It won him the first prize at a design-create competition and started his path towards various technology and robotic-related activities, a passion not only extended to his higher education, in which he pursued studies in electrical and electronic engineering, but also in launching his entrepreneurial venture.

With the support of his parents and brothers, he pioneered one of the first robotics learning centres in Malaysia, establishing CR8 since 2003. Over the span of over a decade, he licensed out his syllables to over 30 centres in Malaysia and United Arab Emirates.

Jun said robotics learning can provide multidisciplinary education to the children, as the multifaceted aspects of creating a robot dictate the necessity of knowledge in various fields.

For example, a talking robot will require understanding in voice recognition, text-to-speech synthesis and others, while creating robots who mimic living beings requires knowledge in the field of biology.

To design the aesthetical feature of a sleek-looking robot, one would look to the discipline of design and arts.

With more robotics competitions like the upcoming CR8 Robotics Challenge, he hoped to arouse young children's interest in learning robotics for fun.

There will be a few sessions with a maximum limit of 12 participants during the fair, which will be held from 10am to 10pm. Complete the registration at bit.ly/RobotCompJB to secure a spot in the exciting event.

Homebuyers at the fair will stand a chance to win prizes worth more than RM10,000.

For details and schedule, visit fair.starproperty.my.



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