A leak could happen beneath the roof tiles, on balconies, and more often, in bathrooms where the most common culprit is a leaking hand bidet.

Photo by Isiah Gibson on Unsplash.
If your leak is coming from the roof, you’re likely better off calling a professional, but the quickest way to approach the problem of a leaking hand bidet is with the plumber’s best friend, Teflon tape.
Take the time to observe where the leak is coming from. If the leak appears to be coming from the lever in the spray component of the hand bidet, you might need to replace that entirely.
If water seems to be dripping from the base of the spray component, unscrew it and wrap a layer or two of Teflon tape around the screw threads.
If there’s still some dripping, check the rubber O-ring in the business end of the shower hose for cracks or warping. You might need to replace this with a new and perhaps a slightly fatter (not bigger) one from the hardware store.
The shower hose itself is less likely to be the problem, but if you see water dripping from the hose, you’ll need to replace that too – and you might need an adjustable wrench to make that happen.
This article is intended to convey general information only. It does not constitute advice for your specific needs. This article cannot disclose all of the risks and other factors necessary to evaluate a particular situation.
Any interested party should study each situation carefully. You should seek and obtain independent professional advice for your specific needs and situation.
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