
Property Insights & Reviews : Villa Angsana

Villa Angsana

2 for Sale

0 for Rent


Villa Angsana is a condominium situated on Jalan Ipoh in Sentul. It was the first property developed by Mudajaya Group. The project was launched in 1996 in four phases and was completed in 2001. There are totally 756 units available at Villa Angsana with more then 20 facilities and amenities providing ultra convenience and leisure to the residents. This housing project is of freehold tenure. It has been completed with certificate fitness and the relevant authorities have already issued all the individual titles.Sentul is a major township in Kuala Lumpur, which consists of two sections, the West Sentul and the East Sentul. The two key roads servicing Sentul are Jalan Sentul and Jalan Ipoh. The presence of the Malayan Railway train depot has drawn many Indian workers to Sentul. This is also the reason why there are many Hindu temples and churches in town.Villa Angsana is at a very accessible location. Within driving distance, there are local and international schools, golf courses, recreational clubs, shopping complexes and wide arrays of entertainment places. The nearest shopping mall is Mutiara Shopping Complex being 0.53km away.The nearby schools include SMJK Lai Chee School, SM Persendirian Chong Hwa School, SM Jalan Ipoh School and SRK Sentul 1 & 2 School. They are all less then 1 km away from the condomunimum.Driving is convenient with the easy access to NKVE, DUKE and Penchala Link. It takes about 15-minute driving to KLCC, one of the signature shopping complexes in the downtown Kuala Lumpur. In additions, Villa Angsana is also accessible to public transportation nearby. The KTM Depot Sentul and the Komuter Sental is about 1.2km away. There are two RapidKL stops nearby. The Sentul Timur stop is 1.5km away while the Sentul stop is 2.07km away.

Property Details

  • Name: Villa Angsana
  • Address: Jalan Krian, Taman Rainbow, Jalan Ipoh, 51100 Kuala Lumpur
  • Developer: Mudajaya Group
  • Completion Year: 2001
  • Type: Condominium
  • Tenure: Freehold
  • No. of Blocks: 4
  • No. of Storey: 18
  • No. of Units: 756
  • Subsale Price:
  • Rental:
  • Facilities

  • Large swimming pool (3,000 sf)
  • Wading pool
  • 24-hours security with intercom system to each unit
  • Launderette
  • Convenience store
  • Pool-side cafe
  • Nursery / child care centre / kindergarten
  • Saloon
  • Gymnasium
  • Reading room
  • Multi-purpose hall with indoor badminton courts
  • Tennis court
  • Sepak Takraw court
  • BBQ pits
  • Chess corners
  • Polycarbonate walkway
  • Poolside terrace
  • Toilets and changing rooms at clubhouse
  • Car wash bays
  • Covered car parks
  • Ample visitors' parking
  • Building maintenance team housed in the clubhouse
  • Market Trends

    Latest transaction in Villa Angsana, Jalan Ipoh

    SPA Date Address Size Price
    01/12/2017 B-X-X, JALAN IPOH 1109 ft2 450000
    22/11/2017 B-X-X, JALAN IPOH 1421 ft2 650000
    01/11/2017 X-X-X, JALAN IPOH 775 ft2 360000
    07/09/2017 B-X-X, JALAN IPOH 1130 ft2 480000
    03/08/2017 C-X-X, JALAN IPOH 1324 ft2 580000


    Villa Angsana is highly rated with positive reviews from the residents. The management provides very tight 24 hours security to offer people a peace of mind living there. The compound is well managed with its own maintenance team providing fast services to the residents. In addition, the management also fully funds and organizes activities at the poolside every year to celebrate Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas.What's more, it is not usual to have a residential compound with more then 20 facilities and amenities. The compound is pretty self-contained offering leisure activities such as swimming pool, ball games and healthy walkways to everyday living including convenience stores, launderette and café. If you want something extra, Villa Angsana is also accessible to nearby shop houses and shopping complexes. The access road for driving is good. However, taking public transportation around is also easy and convenient. There is not a must to own a car for daily travel.The convenient transportation network plus the choices of international and public schools in the vicinity make Villa Angsana a good location for family stay. Sentul is an area with good potential. YTL, one of the big property developers in Malaysia, has commissioned new projects to revitalize Sentul. It is going to build a modern community namely Sentul East and Sentul West. Sentul East maintains the greenery surrounding in addition to the development of residential compounds, shops, leisure and offices. The Sentul West is built around a park concept with aerial walkways, petting farm, bird garden etc. while offering modern living with connection to the comprehensive transportation plan in Sentul.Villa Angsana is taken as a well-maintained and well-managed condominium the fast developing Sentul, which is not far away from downtown Kuala Lumpur. It possesses the potential to attract the young executives or couples to live in the area.
    Villa Angsana公寓座落在吉隆坡冼都(Sentul)怡保路(Jalan Ipoh),是Mudajaya Group发展的首个产业,于1996年分4期推介,并在2001年竣工。Villa Angsana属于永久地契产业,总共有756个单位,并提供了超过20种设备和便利设施,为住户们带来极大方便,也让他们可以休闲、松弛身心。冼都是吉隆坡的一个主要地区,分为两个部分,即冼都西区(Sentul West)和冼都东区(Sentul East)。这里的两条主要公路是Jalan Sentul和Jalan Ipoh。马来亚铁道公司设在这里的火车维修厂引进了许多印度工人到冼都,而这也是这一带有许多兴都庙和教堂的原因。Villa Angsana的地点出入非常方便。开车不远,就有本地和国际学校、高尔夫球场、休闲俱乐部、购物中心和多不胜数的娱乐场所。最靠近的购物中心是Mutiara Shopping Complex,离此只有0.53公里。邻近的学校包括有励志华小、中华独中、怡保路女子国中,以及冼都国小一校和二校,全都在距离公寓不到1公里的范围内。从公寓这里,能轻易通往新巴生谷大道(NKVE)、大使路淡江大道(DUKE)和Penchala Link,开车非常方便,只需15分钟,就可到达KLCC。 此外,Villa Angsana附近也有公共交通服务。马来亚铁道公司的Sentul火车维修厂和Sentul电动火车站离此仅1.2公里左右,附近也有两个轻快铁站,其中Sentul Timur站距离公寓1.5公里,而Sentul站则是2.07公里。


  • 名称:Villa Angsana
  • 地址:Jalan Krian, Taman Rainbow, Jalan Ipoh, 51100 Kuala Lumpur
  • 发展商:Mudajaya Group
  • 竣工日期:2001年
  • 类型:公寓
  • 产权:永久地契
  • 栋数: 4
  • 层数: 18
  • 单位数目:756
  • 转售价:RM300,000 - RM900,000
  • 租金:RM1,100 - RM2,500
  • 设备

  • 大型泳池(3,000平方尺)
  • 戏水池
  • 24小时保安及联系每个单位的对讲系统
  • 洗衣店
  • 便利店
  • 池畔咖啡座
  • 托儿所 / 护幼中心 / 幼儿园
  • 发廊
  • 健身室
  • 阅读室
  • 多用途礼堂,内设羽球场
  • 网球场
  • 藤球场
  • 烧烤炉
  • 下棋角落
  • 聚碳酸酯走道
  • 池畔露台
  • 俱乐部内厕所及更衣室
  • 洗车场
  • 有盖停车场
  • 充足的访客停车位
  • 驻在俱乐部的建筑维修团队
  • Market Trends

    Latest transaction in Villa Angsana, Jalan Ipoh

    SPA Date Address Size Price
    01/12/2017 B-X-X, JALAN IPOH 1109 ft2 450000
    22/11/2017 B-X-X, JALAN IPOH 1421 ft2 650000
    01/11/2017 X-X-X, JALAN IPOH 775 ft2 360000
    07/09/2017 B-X-X, JALAN IPOH 1130 ft2 480000
    03/08/2017 C-X-X, JALAN IPOH 1324 ft2 580000


    Villa Angsana获得住户们的高度好评。公寓管理层提供了非常严密的24小时保安,让人们可以在此安心居住。公寓范围打理得很好,其本身的维修团队能够为住户们提供快捷的服务。此外,管理层每年都会出钱在泳池畔举办活动,欢庆农历新年、屠妖节和圣诞节。 不仅如此,在公寓范围内能有超过20种设备和便利设施,也极为少见。此公寓设备算是相当齐全,从进行休闲活动的泳池、各类球场和健康走道,到 满足日常生活所需的便利店、洗衣店和咖啡座等,应有尽有。如果您还想要点别的,可到公寓附近的店铺和商场。住在这里,并不一定需要拥车,因为出入以公共交通代步的确很轻松方便。 交通网络方便,加上周围一带有不少国际学校和政府学校,让Villa Angsana成为非常适合家庭居住的好地方。冼都(Sentul)是个很有潜能的地区。大马最大的产业发展商杨忠礼集团(YTL)已在这里进行新发展项目,为冼都注入新生命。 Villa Angsana可说是快速发展的冼都区内一个维护和管理得极好的公寓,地点距离吉隆坡市区不远。它具有潜能吸引年轻行政人员或夫妇在这个地区居住。
