
Property Insights & Reviews : Viva Home

Viva Home

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3 for Rent


Viva Home is set on becoming a lifestyle shopping centre that is aimed at rejuvenating the 'dead' Jalan Loke Yew area in Cheras. This latest retail landmark in the KL landscape is part of the Kha Seng Corp's aim to redevelop Plaza Uncang Emas UE3 building, as part of a 2-phase mixed development with a RM70 million makeover in the first round.Kha Seng's goal is to create a 4 storey (excl. parking) shopping mall that focuses on home products, as well as entertainment and other conveniences. This lifestyle mall has 660,000 sf area for lease, and will contain a 9 screen cinema run by MBO and Giant hypermarket. There will also be a 60,000 sf expo hall specifically for home fairs and other related events, and ICT zone for computers and other electronic gadgets, a food court, oriental arts and crafts (which is what UE3 was known for), as well as a Home Clinic which will offer home design and renovation services. Rental rates are expected to be between RM4.00 – RM40 psf.Renovation work on Plaza Uncang Emas UE3 began in 2009, and Viva Home is expected to be completed by the end of 2010. With this redevelopment, there are plans to improve the access links between Cheras and Kuala Lumpur.The 2nd phase of Viva Home is a 4 star hotel with 260 rooms, which will be in a tower above the shopping complex. This phase is expected to cost RM80 million and is set to be complete in 2012.It is planned that there will be 2,000+ car parking bays here. Once the mall's redevelopment has been completed, a pedestrian sky bridge will be built that will link the mall with Miharja LRT station for easier visitor access.

Property Details

  • Name: Viva Home
  • Address: Jalan Loke Yew, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur
  • Developer: Viva Mall Sdn Bhd (part of the Kha Seng group)
  • Completion Date
  • Phase 1: End 2010
  • Phase 2: 2012 (estimate)
  • Type: Commercial
  • Tenure: Freehold
  • Rental: RM4.00 – RM40 psf (expected)
  • Analysis

    With 3 unsuccessful attempts to revive Plaza Uncang Emas UE3 over the past 10 years, revamping it into Viva Home is most likely one of the last revamp that Bernard Bong Yam Keng (Director of Kha Seng) will attempt in order to revive this dead shopping mall. It is actually rather strange, as the traffic around here can be quite busy as it is opposite an LRT station and is on Jalan Loke Yew.If you believe in the ancient art of Feng shui being the reason that Plaza Uncang Emas UE3 has not been successful despite its location, you may be correct as Bong has stated that he will be renovating to make it more 'open' and removed and repositioned some of the escalators. Hopefully with this revamp, plus Bong's aim to truly revamp this area through Kah Seng's other development nearby such as Kenaga Wholesale City, he will make it this time.It also seems that other anchor tenants have confidence that Viva Home will be a success. The shop lot sizes will range between 300 sf to 2,000 sf. Mini-anchor lots will be as large as 15,000 sf. As mentioned above, there will be Giant (60,000 sf) and a MBO cinema present to try and encourage locals to visit this shopping centre. Other anchor tenants here include Old Town Kopitiam (10,000 sf) and ICT Gadgets (50,000 sf). A food court will also be present on the top floor.Taking advantage of the city location and the fact that it is next to a LRT station means that Viva Home is also a good spot to place a 200+ room boutique business hotel. With good a good location, DBKL cooperation to try and create even better access links to this mall, and good tenants, it will be a huge surprise if this final revival fails.
    Viva Home 坐落在蕉赖是一座时尚家具购物商场,也是“活化” Jalan Loke Yew的产业建设。Viva Home是发展商Kha Seng group重建Plaza Uncang Emas UE3的连带部分,整个计划分为二期发展,第一轮的改造费用就耗资RM70 million。发展商的计划是兴建4层高(停车场除外)的家具时尚商场,成为一个专卖家具用品的购物中心,当然还包括娱乐和其他便利设施。这座时尚商场共有660,000平方尺出租面积,场内设有MBO经营的9间电影院以及Giant霸市。既然是家具商场,当然免不了举行家具展览或展销会,所以预设了占地60,000平方尺的场地充作此用途。发展商也开拓一个电子产品专卖区,专卖电子消费品,其他还包括美食中心、东方手工艺品以及家具诊室,为顾客提供家具设计和装修服务。Plaza Uncang Emas UE3的翻修工程自2009年开始,Viva Home 则於2010年落成。二期工程是在购物商场上方,兴建一座四星级酒店,可容纳260间客房。商场内设有逾2,000个停车位,重建计划完成后,将有一座行人天桥从商场连接至Miharja轻快铁站,以方便公众进出商场。


  • 名称: Viva Home
  • 地址: Jalan Loke Yew, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur
  • 发展商: Viva Mall Sdn Bhd (Kha Seng group旗下成员)
  • 竣工日期
  • 一期: 2010年底
  • 二期: 2012 年
  • 类型: 商业
  • 产权: 永久地契
  • 租金: RM4.00 – RM40/psf (估计)
  • 分析

    过去10年,Kha Seng group曾三度活化死气沉沉的Plaza Uncang Emas UE3,但都不成功,所以这次决定转化成Viva Home,相信是最后一次尝试。这座商场坐落在繁忙的Jalan Loke Yew和轻快铁站对面,经过此大道的车流太急,无法聚集人气,如果你相信风水,这就是之前商场生意毫无起色的原因。媒体引述Kha Seng group董事黄严庆报道,他将移走或重新安置部分电梯,打开商场迎人气,以期打破固有格局。Viva Home的商铺面积介于300至2,000平方尺,小旗舰店的面积大约是15,000平方尺,Giant霸市(60,000平方尺)以及MBO戏院。其他主要商户包括Old Town Kopitiam(10,000平方尺)以及电子产品专卖场(50,000平方尺),美食中心设立在顶楼。靠近首都市中心以及轻快铁站是Viva Home的优势,其上方的精品商务酒店也有助拉拢人气,若得到地方政府配合,设立更好的连接道路以及招揽好租户,Viva Home应该有机会突围而出。
