
Property Insights & Reviews : Taman Cheras

Taman Cheras

1 for Sale

0 for Rent


Taman Cheras is a freehold housing development located in the district of Cheras in the state of Kuala Lumpur. It is located approximately 20 minutes from the city centre of Kuala Lumpur, while the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) is about 45 minutes away. Other areas of importance such Mont Kiara and Bangsar are approximately 20 to 25 minutes away.Most of the houses in Taman Cheras consists of double storey houses with very large built-ups between 1,300 sf and 4,800 sf. Each house has between 3 bedrooms and 6 bedrooms with about 2 and 5 bathrooms, while the prices of the homes range between RM798,000 and RM1,250,000. The units for auction come at as low as RM400,000. As one of the most popular residential developments in Kuala Lumpur, the houses in Taman Cheras are mostly occupied. As such, the units for sale in the market are usually partially or fully furnished, with built-in kitchen cabinets and built-in wardrobes being quite common. Fan and light fixings are the norm, while most units are also ready furnished with air-conditioners and water heaters.On top of being partially furnished, most of the houses in Taman Cheras have also been fully renovated and fully extended to include larger car porches as well as wet and dry kitchens. Located in the middle of the neighbourhood and shared by the residents is a playground, while on the western edges of the developments is a wet market and a number of mini marts.Residents of Taman Cheras enjoy good connectivity to amenities and necessities. Shopping malls such as Leisure Mall and Phoenix Plaza are only minutes away, while primary and secondary schools are abundant within very close driving distance. Local banking facilities such as CIMB are within short walking distance of the housing area, while the Pantai Cheras Medical Centre is less than a kilometre away.Taman Cheras has excellent access to major trunk roads such as Jalan Cheras, as well as highways such as the Middle Ring Road 2 (MRR2) which the access point is only 5 minutes way, while access to the KESAS Highway is only 10 minutes away. Public transportation is fairly convenient as well, as there are many bus stops mere minutes walk away from the houses.

Property Details

  • Name: Taman Cheras
  • Address: Off Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur
  • Type: Terrace
  • Tenure: Freehold
  • No. of Storey: 2
  • No. of Bedrooms: From 3
  • No. of Bathrooms: From 2
  • Built-up: From 1,300 sf
  • Subsale Price: From RM400,000
  • Rental: From RM1,500
  • Facilities

  • Playground
  • Mini mart
  • Covered parking
  • Analysis

    Taman Cheras is an excellently located housing development that is much sought after by home buyers for its easy connectivity. Residents do however have to put up with severe traffic congestion on a daily basis, due to the many housing developments in the area. Peak hours usually see Jalan Cheras and the Middle Ring Road 2 severely congested, where motorists can expect to be stuck in traffic for hours on end.The majority of the tenants at Taman Cheras is of the Chinese population, as Cheras is a popular residential area for the said population. The town area is generally hectic and noisy, while the housing areas offer peace and quiet. There have however been many reports of break-ins and snatch thefts, especially in the housing areas, resulting in many residential bodies hiring their own security team for the neighbourhood.Taman Cheras is viewed by some to be an excellent investment, as besides sitting on freehold land, it is also only 20 minutes away from the Kuala Lumpur city centre; a rare commodity in the city nowadays. As such, its prices have been soaring in the recent years, and many who are looking to own a home in this area can expect to pay hefty prices for them.
    坐落蕉赖的Taman Cheras 是一个颇吃香的永久产权住宅区,其双层排屋实用面积介于1,300 至4,800平方尺,卧室数目介于3至6间,浴室数目介于2至5间。每套排屋叫价介于RM798,000至RM1,250,000,法庭拍卖盘的底价曾低至RM400,000。此区入住率很高,因此出售的房子多是全装修或半装修,一般上带有橱柜、衣帽间、风扇、灯具、冷气机或热水器。很多单位甚至行进扩建前廊、干湿厨房。住户公用的游乐场位于住宅区的中部,而西边则是菜市场和数家迷你商店。Taman Cheras连接性良好,轻易可通达Leisure Mall和凤凰广场以及公立国中国小,而不远处即有联昌银行(CIMB)分行,方圆1公里内可达蕉赖班底医院。可连接这里的市区路和大道计有Jalan Cheras、第二中环公路(MRR2)以及莎阿南大道(KESAS),此区有广泛的巴士服务,而巴士站距离住家只有数分钟步程。


  • 名称: Taman Cheras
  • 地址: Off Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur
  • 类型: 排屋
  • 产权: 永久地契
  • 层数: 2层
  • 卧室数目: 3间起
  • 浴室数目: 2间起
  • 实用面积: 1,300 sf起
  • 转售价: RM400,000起
  • 租金: RM1,500起
  • 设施

  • 游乐场
  • 迷你市场
  • 有盖停车场
  • 分析

    Taman Cheras的连贯性佳,房子非常受欢迎,惟人口过于稠密,住户必须忍受每天的交通拥堵情况。在繁忙时间,Jalan Cheras以及第二中环公路严重堵塞,塞上一小时以上是平常事。蕉赖主要住户以华裔人口为主,虽然市区非常繁忙嘈杂,不过住宅区却相对宁静,惟治安不太安宁,所以很多社区都自雇保安来维持治安。Taman Cheras属于永久产权住宅区,距离首都市中心只有20分钟车程,由于蕉赖的房产量日益减少,因此,这里的房价也水长船高,想在此区置业,必须有心理准备要付出昂贵代价。
