Seri Cendekia Apartment is a medium cost apartment, developed to cater home for lower income citizens and this residence is located in the vicinity of Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. This leasehold residence was developed quite sometime ago and this high-dense property consists of two blocks which has 20 storeys each.The layouts in Seri Cendekia Apartment also comes with built-up ranging between 982 sf and 1,180 sf and all units in this residence offers 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. There are also several facilities provided in this residence for the conveniences of the tenants and among them are swimming pool, barbecue area, jogging track, covered parking, gymnasium, tennis court, mini market, playground and 24-hour security.Seri Cendekia Apartment is located closely to numerous amenities namely Alam Damai Recreational Park, Giant Hypermarket, University College Sedaya International, Jesus Convent School, Cheras Plaza, Plaza Phoenix, Cheras Leisure Mall, Hospital University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Institute Technology Federal, Tesco Extra, College Tun Dr Ismail, Maktab Perguruan Teknik, Sri Permaiuri Lake, Sri Cempaka International School, Cheras Health Clinic and Taman Tasik Permaisuri.In terms of accessibility, Seri Cendekia Apartment is connected via a network of highways such as Cheras - Kajang Expressway, East - West Link Expressway and Middle Ring Road 2. Furthermore, the Bandar Tasik Selatan transportation hub is also located quite close to this residence, whereby this station comes with Bandar Tasik Selatan KTM Station, Bandar Tasik Selatan LRT Station, Bandar Tasik Selatan ERL Station, as well as Bandar Tasik Selatan Bus Terminal (TBS). There are also two upcoming LRT stations, Plaza Phoenix MRT Station and Leisure Mall MRT Station which will be developed within a short distance from this development.
Property Details
Name: Seri Cendekia Apartment Address: Jalan 4/124, Taman Connaught, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur Type: Apartment Tenure: Leasehold No. of Block: 2 No. of Storey: 20 No. of Bedrooms: 3 No. of Bathrooms: 2 Built-up: 982 - 1,180 sf Subsale Price: From RM250,000 Rental: From RM1,200Layouts
Standard 3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms (982 - 1,180 sf)Facilities
Swimming pool Barbecue area Jogging track Covered parking Gymnasium Tennis court Mini market Playground 24-hour securityAnalysis
Seri Cendekia Apartment is a high-dense apartment located in the vicinity of Cheras, which is merely 20 minutes drive away from Kuala Lumpur city centre on a non peak hour. Currently this residence has a subsale price of RM250,000 and above and an auctioned unit in this residence can be acquired from RM150,000 onwards.The units in Seri Cendekia Apartment can also be rented out for RM1,200 per month for a fully furnished unit and an unfurnished unit should be priced cheaper. This residence comes with a good rental value, as there are several education institutes located just within this vicinity and the units can be easily rented out for students. Moreover, investors should also note that this residence comes with high traffic congestion during peak hours.