
Property Insights & Reviews : Mandarina Court

Mandarina Court

2 for Sale

0 for Rent


Mandarina Court is a leasehold 15-storey apartment situated within the vicinity of Bukit Mandarin in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. It can be found near to Taman Orkid and Taman Len Sen. It offers a total of 291 units and each unit has a built-up area of 780 sf and 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Facilities provided here are covered parking lots and 24 hours security.Amenities such as the Econsave Hypermarket as well as the famous 118 Food Court are located just a stone’s throw away from Mandarina Court where residents can enjoy various local delicacies and shop for basic necessities with ease. Other than that, residential areas like Taman Len Sen and Taman Connaught are both situated just within a 10 minutes drive away where residents can find ample amenities like banks, clinics, restaurants, pharmacies, saloons and more. SMK Alam Shah, Maktab Guru Ilmu Khas, Institut Perguruan Teknik and SMK Teknik Cheras are some of the educational establishments located within a 0.5km radius away from Mandarina Court. One can easily locate Mandarina Court using Persiaran Alam Damai. As for those who travel via public transportation, the Cheras RapidKL LRT station is the nearest mode of public transportation situated to Mandarina Court.

Property Details

  • Name: Mandarina Court
  • Address: Cheras, Kuala Lumpur
  • Type: Apartment
  • Tenure: Leasehold
  • No. of Storey: 15
  • No. of Units: 291
  • No. of Bedrooms: 3
  • No. of Bathrooms: 2
  • Built-up: 780 sf
  • Subsale Price:
  • Rental:
  • Facilities

  • Covered parking lots
  • 24 hours security
  • Market Trends

    Latest transaction in Mandarina Court, Cheras

    SPA Date Address Size Price
    18/03/2013 B-X-X, Jalan X/X, Cheras 775 ft2 262000
    12/03/2013 B-X-X, Jalan X/X, Cheras 775 ft2 270000
    26/02/2013 B-X-X, Jalan X/X, Cheras 775 ft2 270000
    26/02/2013 A-X-XA, Jalan X/X, Cheras 775 ft2 228000
    07/02/2013 A-X-X, Jalan X/X, Cheras 775 ft2 230000


    In terms of pricing, the apartment is affordably priced though it is not very cheap if it is calculated by per sq ft (about RM358 psf). However, you might want to top up some tens of thousands and get yourself a condominium instead such as Warisan Cityview or go for older and cheaper condominium such as Miharja Condominium.Mandarina Court is suitable for those with a small family. Some potential buyers would prefer Mandarina Court than the apartments near to USCI as those staying at the apartments near USCI commented that there is constant noise pollution from the students studying there. However, there are also concerns over the leasehold issue that as some still think that in the long term, buying a freehold landed property is still a better investment.
    属于租赁地契的Mandarina Court ,是个15层楼高的公寓,矗立在吉隆坡焦赖Bukit Mandarina范围内,相当靠近Taman Orkid与Taman Len Sen。这里共有291个单位,平均每单位面积是780平方尺,各有3卧室与2浴室,公寓有24小时保安和有棚停车场。Econsave霸级市场与知名的118美食中心距离Mandarina Court不远,此处的住户除了可享用本地美食,同时还可轻松补充日常必需品。除此之外,只需10分钟车程即可到达附近的Taman Len Sen与Taman Connaught,花园区附近便利设施相当完善,随处可见银行、诊所、餐馆、药房、发廊等基本配套。Alam Shah国中、特别知识师范学院(Maktab Guru Ilmu Khas)、技术师范学院(Institut Perguruan Teknik)和Teknik Cheras中学是这一带知名学府,全在Mandarina Court 方圆0.5公里以内。来回寓所的主要道路是Persiaran Alam Damai。至于公共交通,Cheras 轻快铁站是距离公寓最近的铁路交通。


  • 名称:Mandarina Court
  • 地址:Cheras, Kuala Lumpur
  • 类型:公寓
  • 产权:租赁地契
  • 楼层:15层
  • 单位数目:291
  • 卧室数目: 3
  • 浴室数目: 2
  • 实用面积:780 sf
  • 转售价:RM250,000至RM388,000
  • 租金:RM800至RM1,600
  • 设施

  • 有棚停车位
  • 24小时保安
  • Market Trends

    Latest transaction in Mandarina Court, Cheras

    SPA Date Address Size Price
    18/03/2013 B-X-X, Jalan X/X, Cheras 775 ft2 262000
    12/03/2013 B-X-X, Jalan X/X, Cheras 775 ft2 270000
    26/02/2013 B-X-X, Jalan X/X, Cheras 775 ft2 270000
    26/02/2013 A-X-XA, Jalan X/X, Cheras 775 ft2 228000
    07/02/2013 A-X-X, Jalan X/X, Cheras 775 ft2 230000


    若以每尺约RM358的价位计算,Mandarina Court并非最便宜,但仍在可负担范围内,若卖家欲选择更好的公寓,可以考虑加多几万令吉,选择Warisan Cityview;若要更便宜,不妨看看楼龄更高的Miharja Condominium。Mandarina Court适合小家庭,相比靠近USCI的公寓,部分买家或更喜欢Mandarina Court,因为可避免学生租客制造的声音污染。不过,租赁产权或影响买家决定,毕竟若以长期投资而言,永久地契始终还是最好的投资。


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