Kelana Impian (also known as Pangsapuri Kelana Impian) is a mid-rise apartment nestled in SS8, Kelana Jaya. The apartment is located right behind LDP Furniture Centre and adjacent to Damansara-Puchong Highway (LDP). Kelana Impian sits right next to a PKNS low-cost apartment and just a stone’s throw away from the upcoming Mah Sing’s Icon City.This freehold apartment comprises 4 blocks of apartment with up to 10-storey high. There are 8 units per floor which are served by 2 lifts. The apartment units have built-ups range from 882 sf to 1,035 sf with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms configuration. Kelana Impian is fitted with car park, gymnasium, playground, and 24-hour security. Kelana Impian is reachable via LDP and Federal Highway. The apartment is also within close proximity to Setia Jaya KTM Komuter Station (which is just 840 m) and Kelana Jaya RapidKL Station (5 minutes drive). Being located in a matured residential neighborhood of Kelana Jaya, the apartment is surrounded by abundance of amenities. The apartment is near to schools (SRK Sungai Way, SRJK (C) Sungai Way, SK Kampung Tunku and SRK Sri Kelana), universities and colleges (UniRazak, Sunway University College and Monash University), and shopping malls (Giant Kelana Jaya, Sunway Pyramid, Subang Parade and Carrefour Subang).
Property Details
Name: Kelana Impian (also known as Pangsapuri Kelana Impian) Address: Jalan SS8/7, Kelana Jaya, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Type: Apartment Tenure: Freehold No. of Blocks: 4 No. of Storey: 10 No. of Bedrooms: 3 No. of Bathrooms: 2 Built-up: 882 – 1,035 sf Maintenance Fee: Approx. RM0.13 psf Subsale Price: Rental: Facilities
Car park Playground Gymnasium 24-hour securityAnalysis
There are not many freehold condominiums and apartments in Kelana Jaya, as most of them are leasehold. Examples are Kelana Puteri, Kelana D'Putera, Puncak Seri Kelana and Sterling. Even though Kelana Impian is strategically located in a matured area, the prices have been stagnant for the past few years. The units are tagged from RM230,000 since 2009. The location of Kelana Impian is not very appealing as the area is filled with low-cost residences. The roads in the neighborhood are narrow (including Jalan SS8/7) and the main road (Jalan SS 8/39) is always congested during peak hours. There is potential for Kelana Impian to appreciate further which driven by the RM3 billion Icon City development. The development will increase demands for Kelana Impian as the employees working within Icon City will look for cheaper residential alternative which is nearer to their work place.